Monday 13 January 2014

HA2 Task 3 - Graphic Types

Pixel Art 
pixel Art is 2D sprites and 3D Isometric sprites pixel Art is a form of digital Art, created threw the use of raster graphic software where the images are edited on a pixel level Graphics in most old or relative limited computers console graphics mobile phones video games usually use these graphics simple because there the best graphics for the job and its what they've always used for these things.

Concept Art
Concept art is a form of illustration where the main goal is to convey a visual representation of a design, idea, and/or mood for use in films, video games, animation, or comic books before it is put into the final product. Concept art is also referred to as visual development and/or concept design. This term can also be applied to retail design, set design, fashion design and architectural design.

Texture Art 
Texture Art is used for games like minecraft where you can download textures to change the appearance of the game in which you are playing on this is a popular thing for games like this because it gives users the ability to change how the game looks and how they see the game overall.

Background Graphics 
background graphics are the graphics used to make the game look good and to make you look at your surrounding within a game you can find background graphics in almost every game because it is what sets the mood of a game and its also what makes the game come to life and makes the player enjoy the game for how it looks.

Print Media Art 
Print media Art is the packaging of a game it is what attracts player to buying the game its basically what sells the game because of how it either looks or how appealing the image is. it is used threw-out the industry and it will always be used as long as games are on disc or as long as they are being advertised because of this the packaging is almost important as what is on the actual disc or game you are buying.


HA2 Task 2 - Artistic styles

Photo Realism
This is when an images is made to look real but not too real to keep it more like a game and not real life its kept like this because it needs to stay like a game and not like something in real life this is important if the user is going to play the game and not take it too serious for them to play it.

Cell Shading 
this is when an image is kept like a cartoon to make it feel more like a game and not like something in real life this helps player to play the game without taking it serious and it keeps the game looking like a game and not just some cartoon animation. cell shading is used in a variety of games such as borderlands 2 or ridge racer theses sort of games depend on looking like a cartoon to give it a theme and too keep it less realistic.  

Abstract games are some of the oldest games around the reason being is that they are simple games but still can be addicting for players one they've played the games. the aim of the games are too either last as long as you can whilst fitting colors shapes into gaps to try and fill up lines of colors to ensure you don't reach the top of the game and lose the game is some examples of theses games are things like Tetris these games were popular during there time so that's why there still around now for us to play just to see what they were like during there time.

This is games in which you fight you opponent with kn fu or ninja style fighting the sort of games you can find this are things like ninja gaiden this is a game where you fight you opposite opponent in a 3d style games.   
Exaggeration is used in games to draw users in and make something look bigger or better than it actually is in reality or in the actual game. exaggeration is used in most games to give it a bit of a different theme and to take players threw a crazy or a fun story this is shown with main bosses or the game overall this is why it is called exaggerated within the games themselves.


Tuesday 17 December 2013

HA3 Task 7 - Review


During the course of Unit 78 I have covered a vast array of research in which took me quite a bit of time but threw out all of the research my final product results were good and to what I expected my character to look like this was the easy part of the whole thing due to the fact that I had plenty of research to back up my design and because I believe the way I have talked about and described my character is pretty accurate in my own opinion. Another thing I found to be challenging at some aspects and easy in some was planning out my character I found this difficult at some points due to the fact I knew what I wanted to make my character look like but I couldn't quite get the correct images to support my characters look so I had to go back and research it again and come up with a whole new outfit design but I did manage to keep his face and other body features so in all I believe I managed to get the best possible result in the time I have had to complete my character.
In the time I had to create my character and the background that he would be standing in front of I did struggle at first when it game to the overall size of things so I decided to make my character first and then make the background and then add it in after this turned out pretty well but some parts of the image in the background like the car I made doses look slightly bigger than the character so I just left it like that and then made my character bigger so in the end result I found that I had made my character a bit to big so I tried to shorten him and then just added it to its background.
Later on after all of this I decided to tidy up my image and add some detail like bullet holes in the car and I also changed the colour of my character’s scarf just to make it look a bit better and to make it look like a finished product. If I was to have more time or go back to my character I would change a few things like the features he has but other than that I would leave everything else just to keep to the survival theme I was going for because I do believe that I have stuck to my description of my character and to the overall design so I do believe that this project went well and that I did the best I could in the time I had to do it in.

Monday 16 December 2013

HA3 Task 6 - Presentation

Final project 

HA3 Task 5 - Production

Here you can see the amazing pose i used to get my final produce shape this helped my to develop my work and it helped me to change the clothes i was wearing and develop my face to look my like a survivor than a real life dope. This images was one of three images in which i took to get the right angle for my pose. 

This is the image i took my clothes from to put on my character look like a survivor and i did this to make my job easier by taking from one image and then changing it to make it my own image and to make it look good at the same time as looking like a bad-ass survivor.  

Here i have began to develop my characters face i have also began to develop his scarf to hide his neck and to save time making his neck i chose to give my character a beard to save me from making him a detailed jaw but also to make my character to look how i have described him to ensure what i have done makes seance and doesn't look stupid and so it actually look alright as my final product.    

Here you can see how i have created my Characters lower scarf and his right hand i created his right hand to look like he is holding something over his should and i have made his hands look like they are gripping something so that i can ensure that he can hold some kind of weapon like a shot gun or sniper rifle.  

In this image you can see how i have developed my left hand which also looks like its gripping something which could be a bag of a bandoleer which could be relevant to my genre which is a survival based game and it would make my character look more like a survivor than a angry hobo or a homeless person.   

Here you can see the actual body of my character i started with the arms and then the actual body to try and get the shape of his body as well as i could possibly make it i also stuck to a more dark and grey theme to try and make his clothes worn and old like hes wore them for some time.  

Here you can see that i have added the gun on to my character to make him look more like a survivor that is willing to do anything to survive and it makes him look more bad ass and like like i have described him in my description of him so that's why i have added the gun to him.    

Here you can see the car i have designed the car is a muscle car and is the typical survival car for most survival based genre games this car is simply known ass a mustang or muscle car are they are usually known ass. The car is one of my favorite cars so that's why i decided to add the car to my actual work and to also add something into the final image.  

Here you can see the big Ben this is what i used to get the background of my work this was important because it needed to be perfect for me to get the background right for what i was doing with it. 

This is the final produce for my background i have change the color and made it look more cartoon and more of a darker theme to it. this is important because the background needed to fit into my characters theme and it needed to look suitable for what was doing. 

This is the clouds what i used to get my sky designed originally i was gonna use a grey background to show pollution but then i decided to go for a stormy one to get the more scary and darker theme to this overall. 

Here you can see the street light i made this was a pretty easy prose's and it actually turned out pretty well compared to how i thought it would turn out. The best part about it was the fact that it was overall good and that it actually fit into my final product and it added something to the background so that also made me pretty happy as-well because of this.    

Tuesday 10 December 2013

HA3 Task 4 - planning


Here is my planning and this shows how long it took me to do my work and it show's you how i ave progressed over a months period until Christmas time this helped me to keep track on what i need to do and it helped me keep up to date with the amount of work i have done overall threw a long time period.